
Do you love dumplings? Learn how to make your own at this hands on dumpling party in Melbourne!

We’re bringing our Dumpling Cooking Classes to Sun Wah. Running once a month, learn how to make spring rolls, dumplings and other faves. Book Now as places are limited, get in quick.


In this best-selling class you’ll get insider tips from Rowena our dumpling chef so that you’ll be able to make diy dumplings at home. You’ll go through the process step by step and learn everything from how to make the perfect dumplings, how to shape and cook your dumplings. Dependent on your dietary preference you’ll make pork, chicken, beef or vegetarian dumplings. You will also learn how to make our spring rolls and our fried rice.


The dumpling party will come to a close with a delicious dumpling feast


With a complimentary glass of wine


Upcoming Cooking Class Dates

Tues 1 April 6pm

Tues 27 May 6pm

Tues 24 June 6pm


To Book select either of cooking class dates above and purchase your tickets


Purchase as a gift experience here.

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